Cubs are 8-10½ years old.
‘The best part of Scouting is definitely the camps. I love every activity we do apart from swimming. They told us the pool was 24 degrees centigrade. Minus 24 more like!’
Scouting is one of the great success stories of the last 100 years. From an experimental camp for 20 boys on Brownsea island in 1907, it has spread to 216 countries and territories, with an estimated 28 million members.
Cubs is the second section of the Scouting movement, originally started in 1916 for younger brothers who wanted a ‘look-in’. In nearly a century, the section has constantly evolved and adapted its programme and methods to meet the changing needs of each generation of young people. Cub Scouts are boys and girls aged between 8 and 10 1/2 years, who like challenge and adventure. Cub Scouts usually meet once a week as a pack, under the supervision of a trained team of adult leaders.
Challenge and adventure are experienced in a wide range of exciting indoor and outdoor activities that include games, crafts, cooking, visits and outings and of course, camping.
These activities offer, through the Cub Scout Programme, the opportunity to achieve awards and badges. Helping others forms an important part of Cub Scouting.
If your son/daughter wishes to join Cub Scouts, please fill in the form below and someone from your local group will contact you.